Presentation of the manager Lionel and his activity.

The tourist train company was born in Bayonne in 2009 under the name Txiki trena (still current today). Transport has always occupied a place in my professional life

1994 creation of the company transport Garat Lionel exceptional convoys and dumper contracts , then accident of life I became an employee again in different coach companies whose activity was the grand tourism which took me to several countries with, often beautiful anecdotes, but also winter shuttles. In passing a little wink to these employers who are friends and today my customers !!!

2006 Operations manager within an international transport company (tridena) in a holding company in Saint Jean de Luz where I had around thirty drivers to carry out loadings in the Maghreb and dispatch in France and Europe.

Since 2016 I have been in charge of the Limoges tourist train.

See you soon.
Lionel Garat, manager of the Limoges little train

Contact us : petit.train.limoges@gmail.comphone 06 43 75 65 70 or 06 41 38 84 94.